Laar Humanitarian and Development Programme


Message from Chairperson

I am sincerely thankful to you for visiting website of Laar Humanitarian and Development Programme (LHDP). Our website has been developed with a view to providing information about the organization and offering regular updates on key developments revolving around its mandate.

LHDP seeks to position itself as a dedicated organization by continuing to work tirelessly towards fulfilling its mandate which is aimed at reducing the sufferings people of disaster prone areas of Pakistan by implementing and supporting various humanitarian and development initiatives. These initiatives are undertaken within LHDP’s five themes i.e. Food Security & Sustainable Livelihoods, Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, Natural Resource Management and Humanitarian Response.


Ghulam Mustafa Ujjan

Chairperson – LHDP


Featured video

LHDP's stance for Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience





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